Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Launch (:

Successful things:
 -our bottle
-the pump
-Ke'alohi's video recording

Non-successful things:
-Holeka & Dahni's video recordings
-The man attached to the top of our bottle, he didn't stick with the tape that we used. We think that the bottle was too damp for it to hold the sticky tape.

Was our launch the same as our prediction?
-No, we didn't really think that it would have been so unsuccessful than we had predicted. We thought that our rocket would have remained in the air for a lot longer than it usually did. 

Possible Improvements:
-We need to get a much larger & more efficient parachute, evenly distribute our strings better & we also need more weight on the bottom of our bottle to let the bottle fly in a straight line upwards.

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