Saturday, May 7, 2011

B A S I C A L L Y ....

Our main water bottle rocket broke due to the failing of the set up. While pumping, the set up simply turned on its side, & by the time we realized it, we had already counted down 3-2-1, & pulled the string. It shot straight for another classmate named Marcus, whom we are very apologetic to right now, & it hit him. ): But anyways, due to our broken water bottle rocket, our kind physics teacher, Mr. Hutchinson, allowed us to use another bottle that was laying around in our classroom. We had fun repeating each launch with this new bottle that we had found but it wasn't the same as our old rocket therefore, it was hard for us to make changes to it. We just sticked with results of our own water bottle rocket which wasn't consistent as the other groups, but all in all, the purpose of this project was to have fun, which we accomplished very well. (:

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