Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Water Bottle Rocket Materials

Here's a list of materials that you might need in order to produce your water bottle rocket:

  • water bottle(s) - two-liter, not scratched. The bottle opening must be large enough to fit on the launcher (every now and then you get one that doesn't).

  • manila folder(s) - preferably recycled

  • duct tape

  • scissors

  • PlayDoh or home-made alternative (one-bottle rocket, optional for two-bottle rocket)

  • box cutter or knife (two-bottle rocket only)

  • kitty litter (two-bottle rocket only)

  • markers

  • Important Defintions (:

    Pressure: the continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it. (Oxford American Dictionaries)

    PSI: pounds per square inch (Google Dictionary)

    Center of mass: mass center is the mean location of all the mass in a system (Google Dictionary)

    Propulsion: the action of driving or pushing forward (Oxford American Dictionaries)

    Newtons 1st law: a body remains at rest or in motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force (

    Newtons 2nd law: the amount of force needed to cause an acceleration depends on an object's mass, such that the force applied = the mass of an object × its acceleration (

    Newtons 3rd law: for every action force ON an object, there is an equal but opposite force BY the object. (

    Pictures of Water Bottle Rocket Procedures

    Click here to view pictures of how to put together your own water bottle rocket! Follow instructions wisely! (:

    Water Bottle Rocket Procedures

    Click here to find out the materials & the instructions in making your own Water Bottle Rocket!